Weight Gain Foods That Will Lead To Explosive Muscle Gains

When one is seeking to add some pounds, weight gain foods come in handy. Proper nutrition and diet are the core factors when one wants to gain weight. Regardless of how much weight training you take on, if you are not feeding your body with the right foods, then your efforts will all be in vain.

Why are you underweight?
Perhaps one of the most important question that you should answer before you decide on how you are going to go about trying to gain weight is why you are thin. What is it that has made you lack the muscles and the bulk that you desire? Some common reasons for this include chronic disease, eating disorders, lack of physical activity and age. You may also be thin due to hereditary conditions. When thin, you are more exposed to the risk of getting chronic diseases since your body is weak and frail.

Weight gain foods
It is important to note that muscles in the body are built from the food you eat. The energy used to help in the muscle building process also comes from the food you eat. Therefore, you should eat a diet comprising of proteins (the body/muscle building foods), healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Below are some important foods that you need to incorporate in your diet on a daily basis together with your weight training schedule to help you gain weight.

- Proteins
To gain muscle, you need to take in proteins. These are the muscle building foods. A weight training exercise demands that your body have amino acids. These can only be provided by the proteins we eat in our diet.
On average, you should ensure that you take a gram of proteins for every pound of your weight, that is, for every kilogram on your weight, you should eat 2.2g of proteins. These proteins should be spread out within five to six meals in a day. Good advice is to avoid taking protein supplements and instead take in foods rich in proteins.
Some good sources of proteins include fish, dairy low fat products (with milk being among the best sources), whey, seeds and nuts, and meats.

- Healthy fats
To effectively gain weight, you must also include healthy fats in your diet. These include the omega-3 fatty acids, as well as the monounsaturated and the polyunsaturated fats. Some good sources of these fats include the cold pressed oils like linseed, sunflower and olive oils. Avoid taking in saturated fats like ghee.

- Complex carbohydrates
Your body needs energy to help you with the weight training exercises, as well as the digestion and absorption processes within the body. This energy comes from the carbohydrates you eat. Therefore, make complex carbohydrates a part of your daily diet during the weight gain period.

A common misconception is that taking beer can help with weight gain. However, this is not true. All that happens with beer intake is that it brings about an accumulation of fats in your abdominal section hence the unhealthy pot belly.

In your weight gain efforts, you should also avoid taking in protein supplements as much as you can. If you have to, get advice from your physician or doctor.

If you really want to achieve your goals make sure that you follow it rigorously and check this web site for some great ideas CLICK HERE! [http://www.fewwwo.com]. Tomorrow never comes so start TODAY [http://www.fewwwo.com]!!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lester_Jessop

What You Need To Know About CB-1 Weight Gainer

Thinking of gaining weight? With CB-1 Weight Gainer you can put your worries at ease. Putting on weight will never be as easy as using CB-1 Weight Gainer and achieve a full body composition for your age.

CB-1 Weight Gainer is specially crafted for people who are so skinny and underweight that eating tons of food is not really an option. With CB-1 Weight Gainer, you will gain weight even when you eat so little on most days due to the busy life you are living.

Sometimes, your inability to add a few more pounds is not really because you don't eat enough: your fast metabolism may also be the factor why it's hard for you to gain a healthy weight.

With a unique blend of minerals, vitamins, herbs, and all - natural ingredients called isobutyl amides, this weight - gaining elements works to activate a receptor called CB-1 to stimulate your appetite while slowing down metabolic rate for a quicker weight gain. The formulation is reassured that you can expect to see the result on your weight scale in just within the second week of taking the supplement.

CB-1 Weight Gainer is a no - steroid health product that works wonderfully to stimulate your appetite, delaying the feeling of fullness in your stomach by slowing the hormone production associated with feeling full such as insulin and lepton signal. By eating a bit more than you should, you will have the extra calories necessary for a healthy weight gain.

While gaining weight with extra calories is one thing, slowing down the metabolism is also important as well. If you have a considerably fast metabolism, it will make weight gaining harder as the excess calories tend to get burned off instead being stored in your body. To prevent this, CB-1 Weight Gainer slows your metabolic rate temporarily, reducing the calories used as heat (a process called thermo genesis). With slower metabolism, you will put on weight quicker.

With these process coupled together, you will experience a significant effect of weight gaining at an average of 2.4 pounds gain per week. And the good thing about CB-1 Weight Gainer is while men can get their body buffed up and muscular, the women will have a sexier curves developed. And yes, the weight stays permanently for good!

All you need is to take two capsules taken thirty to sixty minutes before your meal. You can take up to three times a day to boost your rate for a healthy weight gain. Keep in mind for any minor side effects such as nausea and digestion problems.

Try CB-1 Weight Gainer and see the curves forming around your body for yourself.
For more information on this supplement visit http://www.buildmusclequick.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antonio_Pierce

6 Important Things To Do If You Want To Gain Weight

The first thing is to plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Most people do not stick by their regime or workout and that is the reason why there is such a huge problem in failure to accomplish the things we set ourselves out to do. Believe me, it is not easy but if you do it daily, it becomes totally natural. The things to plan are your diet, your workout, and your sleep. Let me share the next tip, which happens to be diet.

If you want to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you use. There are two ways around this problem. First, you could stuff your face for the next 3-4 months, eating all the junk food you want and risk getting a heart attack or its cousin, indigestion. My advice from 2 years of healthy weight gain is to break it all down into 6 equal meal sizes. I know this may vary from other trainers, who say that 3 meals and 3 snacks will do, but the 3 snacks are not going to help you much, especially if you have a high metabolic rate like I do, thus making the calories you consume disappear after you consume it. One of my secret foods is to drink milk 1-2 times a day as a meal so that I will get the required calories I need, plus the protein to repair the muscles which will produce healthy weight gain.

The 3rd tip is to consume healthy carbohydrates. This includes potatoes, whole wheat bread, rice and pasta. This may look a lot like a western dinner, but it is actually not. The idea is to consume most of the carbohydrates listed in a fashion where it takes up 40-50% of your physical plate. This will provide you with the energy you need in order to work out at the gym and also help prevent you from losing weight due to your high metabolism. The idea of why you only require 40-50% is because you need to provide just 500 calories more than what you need each day. Providing too many carbohydrates will produce a state where you will grow fat rather than gain weight healthily.

The next thing to do is to choose your protein correctly. The main idea is to focus on consuming 20-30% of your calories from protein alone. In short, this means consuming around 1.5g/kg of your current weight, not what you intend to weigh. This will provide enough nutrients to cause you to repair the muscles, putting on denser and healthier weight rather than fat.

Speaking of fat, that is the 5th thing I'm going to touch upon. Fat is shunned by many and is often blamed for unhealthy weight gain. However, if you have little to no fat in your body, you will be extremely prone to falling sick like me, visiting the doctors around 12-20 times in a year. The purpose of fat is to carry vital vitamins to all parts of your body so it is therefore important to take note exactly what kind of fat to consume.

The 6th thing to take note of now is rest. Without it, you will not grow, period. I have tried to tweak around this factor many times and have failed miserably, losing up to 1 to 2 kilograms in a day due to my late night lifestyle. It is important because it will ensure your immune system is up and running, repairing your muscles in the night, and also helping you recover your energy so you can push harder in the gym.

Having the above tips are vital as they form the foundation to gain weight healthily. I have experimented with a lot of workout regimens to get the growth I need but I found the workout at http://gohforth.com to be the best I have used so far. I have also passed it to my clients in the commercial gym I'm working in and they have also benefited from it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_E_Goh

Winter Weight Gain - It's Normal

Winter weight gain is normal and while it is perfectly acceptable to gain extra weight in the colder months, too much poundage may take longer to work off when warm weather finally hits. Winter can be challenging when it comes to maintaining, or especially losing, weight. The days get shorter, the nights longer and sometimes all you want to do is sit in a comfortable chair next to the fireplace. But if you can be mindful of a few small tips, you might just be able to avoid what many consider to be inevitable.

When it comes right down to it, there are just limited outdoor activities that you can do if you live in harsh winter climates. Indoor exercise is boring and stagnant to many people so it becomes looked upon as a chore in comparison to outdoor exercising which makes you feel healthier. There isn't too much you can do to change the fact that you'll have to move your routine inside. But what you can do is make it short. In fact, you can cut you workout time in half just by varying its intensity. Switch back and forth between shorts bursts of high aerobic exercise that really gets you huffing and rest periods where you just calm it down.

Next, pay attention to what you're eating. Not just what you are eating every day but how it looks, smells and tastes in your mouth. If you can enjoy your meals and snacks rather than just wolfing them down, you will feel fuller and more satisfied. Of course, this all goes along with trying to stick to a healthy diet and pattern. A good rule of thumb is to eat three moderate meals each day and two healthy snacks. Stick to fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grain and fiber-rich foods. Eat nuts and cheese for snacks instead of sweets or processed foods.

Also, identify patterns. If you've always gained weight in the winter, try to figure out why. If you know why, do something to alter that pattern. Many people eat out of boredom. Try a new hobby or take up a class.

Big holiday times occur during the winter and this might be the biggest culprit of all when it comes to winter weight gain. If you're cooking for the holidays, make sure you keep raw vegetables nearby to snack on and also serve healthy dishes as alternatives. If you're a guest at many parties, try to go for the healthy choices first.

Buddying up with a partner or joining some sort of support group can help too. It's much easier to stick to your initiatives when you're held responsible by someone else who is going for the same goals.
Finally, remember that winter weight gain is perfectly normal. While you don't want to be packing on the pounds, don't get worked up over a couple of extra ones. These can be lost almost as easily as they were taken on.

Andrew Marlow is the author of "101 Everyday Tips to Lose 10 Pounds" To download your free copy of this amazing weight loss report [http://www.tipsonhowtoloseweightfastx.blogspot.com] go to [http://www.tipsonhowtoloseweightfastx.blogspot.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Marlow

Does Cardio Make You Gain Weight?

Recently I've been asked a question which I found very curious. I was asked whether cardio workouts make you gain weight. I was surprised because cardio is known as a way to lose weight not gain it.

At first I thought that my answer need not be longer than a single line long but then I thought that there may be more to this question and it deserves some clarification.

First, let's talk about the workout itself. It's true that some form of exercising can make you gain weight. This can be true for weight training where you build lean muscle tissue. As you add more muscle to your body your weight may increase even though your body fat may decrease. As most of us care about fat and not just weight, this is usually OK.

Cardio isn't a good way to add muscle to your body. So, you won't be gaining weight by doing cardio in that respect.

Second, there is simply no way that the actual cardio workout that you're doing will make you gain weight. As you're working out, you are burning more calories than usual. Since weight gain requires you to consume more calories than you burn you can see that cardio makes it harder for you to gain weight.

But this isn't the whole story and there is an indirect way in which you may gain weight which relates to cardio. It isn't due to the workout itself but to what happens afterward.

What may happen, and is probably why I was asked that question in the first place, is that a lot of people tend to erase their accomplishments from the workout by consuming too many calories following it. They either feel very hungry after completing their workout session or that they psychologically feel entitled to eat more than they should. This is called post workout compensation and it may be big enough to actually undo all of the calories that you burned during the workout itself.

In some cases you may eat so much that you're actually consuming more calories than you burned during the workout. If you consider that, than cardio may indeed make you fat. However, this is true for all workouts. You need to make sure that you're also eating correctly and in moderation to get the results you're looking for. You won't lose weight otherwise.
So, cardio does not make you gain weight. Your eating habits may. 

To avoid undoing your workouts visit Avoid Post Workout Compensation.
For more tips on how to do cardio right for weight loss visit Cardio Workouts That Burn Fat
Jonathan Dunsky lost over 30 pounds through proper nutrition and exercise. He now writes on health and fitness issues.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Dunsky

How to Gain Weight Fast, the Healthy Way

Some people are simply born with fast metabolism which prevents them from gaining weight. If you keep asking around how to gain weight fast, you need only prevent the calories that you consume from evaporating as heat and manipulate your metabolism. Heat dissipation, as known by many, contributes to weight loss. This can be done by bringing your metabolism down to a lower level.

You can't discuss losing weight without touching on the topic of metabolism. Anabolism and catabolism are two processes involved in metabolism. While catabolism refers to weight loss, anabolism is responsible for weight gain. By forcing the anabolic process, the body gains muscles, testosterone levels are increased, and proteins are better digested. Consequently, protein catabolism is lowered and the catabolic process is suppressed.

The best way to gain weight fast is by manipulating the catabolic process. When your catabolic process is suppressed, anabolic hormones increase while catabolic hormones decrease, and the calories you consume are preserved. The calories are forced into protein synthesis, allowing the proteins to be made in the body.

To be able to gain weight fast, you need to create energy deficits in the body and recover from it. How do you create energy deficit exactly? Exercise is the best way to create a big energy deficit which will in turn invite the body to respond. Choose an intense short workouts such as compound movements. The objective of the exercise is to involve the movement of the muscle groups that will help build the body. Weight training, deadlifts, squats, and bench press are great examples of compound movements. Deadlifts are proven to be the most effective compound movement for the body as almost every muscle is hit during this exercise.

Of course, eating is a sure-fire way to gain weight. A healthy weight gain diet right after the exercises should help you gain weight fast. Because a big energy deficit is created after exercise, the body is ready and prepared for weight gain. Calories should be supplied in the body which are forced into weight. This is done by strategically planning what foods to eat and what to avoid. Foods with high amount of carbohydrates and protein should be consumed to support the compound movement exercises.

To gain a great amount of muscles, you should practice reverse metabolism that can efficiently help you gain weight in as fast as three months. You need to develop a systematic way of continually creating energy deficits in your body. The muscles should be worked in a proper way where each of the three elements of muscle liquid and each of all three types of fibers are worked on differently.

Finally, strategic deconditioning should be observed when huge energy deficits in your body have been created. Deconditioning is a planned period of inactivity that aims to achieve a physiological result in the end. After each rigorous workout or after a strength training cycle, it is recommended to have a structured downtime period to effectively gain muscles and ultimately gain weight.

Life shouldn't be too hard when learning how to gain weight fast.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandra_S._Calhoun

Gain Weight Healthy - 5 Weight Gain Tips

I don't mean that all thin people are not fit and strong. The exception from a rule applies here too. But most of us fall in "rules". Gain weight and see people admiring your new found curves and glowing skin. Since the skin stretches with additional pounds it looks healthier and glows.

It is well known fact that being obese increases the risk of chronic diseases, being too skinny also can be a cause of heart failure and cancer. Elderly people being under weight can result them to be frail, and suffer from osteoporosis and prone to hip fractures. An underweight man can also increase chance of erectile dysfunction.

Putting on weight is not about stuffing yourself with junk food or anything which will harm your health than helping. Go through these tips to gain weight naturally and follow whatever is applicable to you.

Weight gain Tip 1: Make sure you are not losing weight!
Yes while you are doing all that you can to gain weight, it is more important to make sure that you are not losing those hard earned pounds without your knowledge. So get on that scale regularly and keep track that you are maintaining the current weight at least.

Don't stuff yourself with too much of quantity in 3 meals a day to gain weight. Instead break it into 6 meals with regular intervals. Your goal should be to eat every 3 hrs and you are on right track to gain weight.

Weight gain Tip 2: Calories and calories
If you feel though you are eating enough still not gaining weight, then you have to check your definition of enough. Calculate your current calories intake and increase it by additional 300-500 calories per day and that should be your calories intake to increase your weight. With that you should be gaining 0.5 to 1 pound a week. If your weight gain is less than that, increase it by additional 300 calories per day and watch. Also it is very important to make sure you are not gaining too much too fast. Yup! Slow and study wins the race. So if you are gaining weight more than 1 pound per week, reduce your calories by 300 and get the right balance.

weight gain Tip 3: Weight training
OK now all that weight you are gaining will remain as fat which needs to be converted into muscle. So don't start right away lifting heavy weights and pushing yourself to do ridiculous numbers of bench press, chin ups etc. Remember our mantra "slow and steady". Start with running, stretching and light weight lifting and gradually increase on regular intervals.
When you are well into this step, your weight gain will be 1-2 pounds a week.

Weight gain Tip 4: Drink enough water
Yes I mean water not something you are expecting! One needs to drink half a gallon of water every day. If you can drink more than that still better. You don't wish to be a victim of dehydration which may lead to many other health problems. And of course you want to increase your stamina and fitness right? Right, it is water therapy for you then.

Weight gain Tip 5: R and R
Rest and Relax, give your body a break to enjoy this new attention that you are paying. Get good sleep and relax with music or friends. Be in the company of people who encourage you and appreciate your efforts. This is most neglected yet important tip.

Avoid trans fat at all cost and say yes to good fats. Though you want to gain weight, definitely you don't want to gain weight which is just fat. Avoid too much of cakes and chips. Fried items and no more visits to fast food joints. Cut down on your daily intake of coffee and tea, if possible switch to green tea with more antioxidant, milk with protein powder.

Gaining healthy weight is as easy or difficult as losing weight depending on the individual and body type. But the fact to remember is it is possible. Don't obsess over doing things right and pushing yourself to limits to gain weight. It is your body and you should love and accept it first and convince yourself that you are going to gain weight to make yourself feel better than to impress others. The key is to be consistent and be patient.
If you are serious about weight gain
How to gain weight and muscle
Gain weight now [http://weight-gain-now.info]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geet_P

Mastering How To Gain Weight With The Aid Of Proven Supplements

If you plan to use supplements for weight gain, it's important to watch out for any undesirable side effects. Don't take for granted, that because it is natural, that there are no side effects. Herbs can have side effects, like headaches and upset stomachs. So, it makes sense to read the labels, and consult with your doctor, if you are taking any medications, before you go on any supplements.

While your primary goal may be finding fast ways to gain weight, the ultimate goal is to protect your health. This also includes making sure any weight you gain is gained in muscle, not fat.

Experts agree that the best supplement to choose when learning how to gain weight is one that is in liquid form. There are several types of liquid supplements:

* Nutrition Shakes: Designed to help those in need of gaining weight, while adding vitamins and minerals to daily intake. These shakes are great for those trying to gain weight healthily. Ensure and Boost are two popular brand names of these shakes, and come in a variety of flavors.

* Protein Powders: Whether combined with juice or milk, protein powders can be a great way to bulk up without consuming extra food. Protein is essential for building muscle, which is what you want to do when you're adding weight. Make sure you don't suffer from a milk or soy intolerance, before taking protein powders, as many protein supplements contain these products.

* Avoid Steroids: Before purchasing a supplement, while learning how to gain weight, read the ingredients. Any product claiming to contain steroids or steroid-like substances should be avoided. According to the FDA, these products actually contain synthetic steroid substances that are not approved. The FDA has received reports of serious liver injury, stroke, kidney failure, and pulmonary embolism, which is an artery blockage in the lung. This warning underlines the seriousness of choosing the wrong muscle weight gain product.

* Creatine: A popular ingredient in supplements for weight gain, Creatine helps the body generate more energy, which can be very useful for those interested in learning how to gain weight quickly. As with many energy-generating products, however, there can be dangerous side effects with Creatine, including mood swings and cramping, in some of those who take it. Experts also warn those who have kidney problems stay away from products containing Creatine. Since the kidneys generate Creatinine, a by-product of Creatine, having the excess Creatine in the system could cause problems. There have been no known problems identified with taking Creatine, though, and it is considered by the medical community to be safe.

* Caffeine: Caffeine is something many people consume every day without thinking about it, but products containing caffeine should be taken with caution, especially when taken in combination with Creatine. Because caffeine is a diuretic, using it in combination with Creatine raises your risk of dehydration. There are also many health warnings about combining caffeine with Ephedra-warnings so serious that many products containing caffeine and Ephedra have been taken off the market.

Research has shown that supplements for weight gain are most effective when combined with an active lifestyle. This is especially important when your goal is to gain weight and muscle, also known as "bulking up." Doctors will often recommend that elderly patients trying to learn how to gain weight, begin walking, and adding light strength-bearing exercise to their daily routine.

There is a system recently released, that contains a step-by-step plan to help you gain weight, and pack on muscle. You should check it out: [http://howtogainweight-info.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Terrio

7 Tips For Ectomorph Weight Gain

Gaining weight as an ectomorph is incredibly difficult and certainly one of the main reasons most ectomorphic individuals (also known as "hardgainers") give up with their quest to have an increased body mass and physical presence in general. But if you want to overcome your skinny genes, and especially if you want to build muscle, gaining weight is a necessary aspect of life that I hope to make a bit easier for you to adopt.

  1. Crunch the numbers. Take your bodyweight, in pounds and multiply it by 20. That is approximately how many calories you need to eat each day to put on weight. This can seem like a scary number, but when it's out in the open your subconscious will begin to work out ways to attain this milestone on a daily basis.
  2. Pack in the calories. Did you know that 1 tablespoon of olive oil contains around 100 calories? For most skinny guy's thats a decent portion of the calories they need on a daily basis. Some folks simply sip the oil like vodka, but I think the more clever way is to simple integrate it into meals. For example, I usually put a couple of tablespoons on the frying pan when I'm frying eggs, and mixing it in with pasta would be another good use to. The goal isn't to add olive to everything, but be creative with how you pack calories into meals.
  3. Track what you eat. You really need to know what you're consuming. It's likely that you greatly overestimate what you put into your body and that's the prime reason you have such a skinny frame. It's okay to not be incredibly scientific with this tracking (too much depth and you'll be sick of it within hours) but just make sure you keep it up and then adjust your diet based on the data you collect.
  4. Weigh yourself weekly. It's silly to just hope that you're a bit heavier. Be scientific and weigh yourself on a weekly basis to determine your progress. If, after each week, you're not putting on any weight increase your caloric intake. Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing.
  5. Ease the pressure. Don't feel you have to commit to X amount of calories per day straight away. For some that leap can be too overwhelming. Start simply by focusing on smaller stepping stones such as just making sure you eat 6 meals per day, or eat 80% of the calories you need to be eating.
  6. Collaborate with another ectomorph. While most ectomorphs are fairly self conscious (myself included) it's still likely you know someone else who's also an ectomorph and would like to gain weight. Decide to keep each other accountable by monitoring each others food intake and sharing ideas to pack more calories into smaller meals.
  7. Be persistent. Weight gain takes time. Remember what you're striving for - the reason that being bigger is important to you - and hold to that ultimate purpose tightly. There will be setbacks and "failures" but in the long run it's not that unrealistic to put on a few much-needed pounds.
Are you an ectomorph? You may want to learn more about the ectomorph body type.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_E._Grant

What Causes Weight Gain After Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgical procedures including gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding and gastric sleeve are proven in adults for the treatment of morbid obesity and obesity associated diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and obstructive sleep apnea.

However, the primary purpose of a weight loss surgery is to help obese persons achieve weight loss when they have been unable to lose that stubborn flab through other methods.

According to the bariatric experts, the obese patients lose an average of 80 percent of their excess weight following bariatric operations. Yet some patients notice that they have actually regained 15 percent of the lost weight 18-24 months after the surgery.

Imagine the sense of despair, frustration, disappointment, and hopelessness after the weight loss surgery failure. Why do people regain weight (relapse) after weight loss surgery? Bariatric experts have identified some reasons why some people who undergo weight loss surgery relapse to their former weight.

Why Weight Regain Happens?
The prime reason behind the weight regain after bariatric surgery is overeating. Bariatric patients begin to pile on the pounds again if they continually overeat. Eating haphazardly after the surgery may stretch out your surgically altered stomach. An enlarged stomach pouch will permit larger meals, which will result in weight gain.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of your weight loss surgery, make sure that you stick to the strict diet regimen.

Eating Too Many Calories
Even if you consume food in less quantity at a time, if you consume high-calorie foods, it is possible you will end up losing your weight loss goal. So it is extremely important that you learn about good food nutrition and make good food combinations to keep your weight off after the surgery.

Negative Eating Habits
An individual's eating habits will significantly affect how well he/she will lose weight after the bariatric surgery as well as how long he/she can keep the weight off. Anyone who has undergone bariatric surgery fails to keep his weight-loss goals on track, if he doesn't comply with the recommended dietary and lifestyle changes.

Following are the proper eating behaviors one should embrace for maximum weight loss success:

• Eat slowly and stop eating when you feel full.
• Eat in small quantities and chew your food thoroughly before you swallow it. Larger pieces of food can lead to blockage in the new small opening of your stomach pouch.
• Avoid drinking liquids with meals. How it can lead to weight regain? Consuming fluid with meal will wash food out of the stomach, which will empty the stomach sooner, and you feel hungry again. So avoid drinking 30 minutes before and 30 to 60 minutes after the meal.
• Drink enough fluid throughout the day to prevent dehydration (not with meals). A bariatric patient must gulp down six to eight cups of fluid per day to keep himself well hydrated.
• Your tolerance for certain foods will change over the course of your recovery from the weight loss surgery. For instance, high sugar food and beverages can cause "dumping syndrome" in bariatric patients.
• Limit your intake of foods that are high in fat and sugar. These foods may cause nausea, pain and vomiting. These foods are also high in calories and will not be tolerated by your digestive system after the surgery.
These are just a few of the common reasons some bariatric surgery patients pile on more pounds again, and for some regain can be significant. The bottom line is that the success of weight loss result depends on an individual's willingness to adopt changed, healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. To learn about the food nutrition, proper eating style and physical exercise post bariatric surgery, you should speak with your bariatric surgeon and dietician.

The low cost Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana has become a popular weight loss procedure among overseas obese patients. Gastric Sleeve in Belgium is another affordable option for obese patients seeking cost-effective solutions for their weight issues abroad.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neelam_Goswami

Skinny And Want To Gain Weight?

Are you skinny and want to gain weight? Whatever the reason it may be, the main cause of your thinness may be as a result of genetics. For example, if your family members are "naturally thin", then there is an elevated probability of you having the same body size. To some extent, your metabolism has some impact on your body type. Therefore, if your metabolic rate is excessively elevated, this means that your body is capable of converting fats at an extremely high rate hence leading to this body type. If you're skinny and looking to gain weight, also to all hardgainers wanting to gain weight out there, here are some simple rules to follow:

1. Search for Exact Information Relating To Your Precise Goals and Conditions:
The first mistake that you can commit is lacking accurate information; since besides being motivated, your efforts might end up being wasted on misguiding training and dieting information. Here, try to seek advice from those individuals who suffered the same fate as you.

2. Lay Down A Precise Goal And Formulate A Mechanism Of Attack:
If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. So here, you need to think of the best plan which will help you gain weight. A plan acts as a road map while your goal acts as your destination. Formulate a program indicating each action that you should perform each day. An excellent program will help you in two major ways: by providing you with the essential daily structure and help you to build up valid training and eating habits that will be beneficial when you accomplish your goals.

3. Believe And Have Confidence In Yourself:
Once you have started your plan, you must believe in it and have faith, this will help you to remain focused and overcome overly critical.

1. Workout Infrequently:
Regular workouts do not equate to muscle growth; therefore, you need to understand that weight training is meant for stimulation of muscle growth. Here, you need to train less and then rest to allow your old muscles to be repaired and new ones to generate.

2. Emphasize Multi-Jointed Lifts:
Multi-joints are the type of exercises that stimulate high quantity of muscle fibers as they involve working different groups of muscles simultaneously. This induces a lot of stress in your body hence shocking your nervous system, eventually making it release muscle building hormones. This makes you to gain more muscles all over your body.

3. Focus On Use Of Free Weights:
Unrestrained weights stimulate certain groups of muscles when training. Stimulation of these synergistic and stabilizer muscles allows you to become stronger, and eventually gaining more muscles faster.

4. Focus On Lifting Challenging Weights:
This helps to stimulate your muscle fibers responsible for causing muscle size growth known as Type II B hence gaining more muscles.

1. Eat More: Here, you must include plenty of body building nutrients in your diet, such as protein. Alternatively, you can use meal replacement powders, for example, Myoplex to allow you to consume high-protein contents.

2. Eat More Often: Consumption of more food increases the amount of calories in your body, which are then stored in various body parts inform of fats.

3. Use Nutrition Supplements: Nutritional supplements such as designer protein of Myoplex provides you with an efficient, quick way of getting the essential nutrients for muscle gain.

You and I both know that what hardgainers really need is a Muscle Building Video Guide; from somebody that has actually BEEN through the "skinny to muscle" journey. And that is exactly what you're getting today! If you are feeling "Skinny And Want To Gain Weight", and would like to get an entire 6 Weeks Of Muscle Gaining Workout video for FREE, head on over to http://HowToBuildMuscleForSkinnyGuys.com and start transforming your body today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_B_Adams

7 Gym Tips To Building Muscles & Gaining Weight For Skinny Guys

Know that being skinny is not a mistake, neither is it unfair. Everyone is different, that's what makes the world so special. Being skinny and of a different build than others, you naturally have a much higher metabolism rate. This means your body burns fat much faster and sometimes too fast for you to gain weight or even build mass.

What Should You Do To Build Muscles And Gain Weight
There are 3 important things you should know that will help you.
1) You need to eat the correct food. Just because you are skinny, eating "fatty" food will not help you gain weight. You need food from the correct food groups in the food pyramid. For example, protein.
2) Pills and Steroids will not help you. These products are targeted at a different market. Professional sportsman might find a use for them but not you. If used incorrectly, you will experience hair loss, infertility and many other side effects which might ultimately lead to shortening your life.
3) You need to exercise. Going to the gym and working out aimlessly will not get you anywhere. You need a program made for skinny guys. That being said, eating the correct food, exercising correctly goes together and done correctly will help you achieve your goal.

7 Gym Tips To Building Muscles & Gaining Weight For Skinny Guys
You do not need to frequent the gym that much if you know your stuff, I mean like using the correct techniques for body building and adding mass. There is a proven method that by hitting the gym for only 3 hours a week, you will see results in 29 weeks. Body building cannot be rushed and you cannot expect to have a transformation overweight. Therefore having the correct knowledge is pivotal to your success in building your dream body.

The fact that your physique is not "Tuned" to gaining muscles as fast as others, you need to do things differently from your peers. The next time you are at the gym, have this mentality"
1) Treat every set of exercise you do like it is your last set. Don't Compromise!
2) Do every single rep like your life depends on it. No Corner Cutting!
3) Wear a stop watch with a timer to keep your rest period in check. Don't be lazy!
4) Wear a sweater so you won't be staring at yourself in the mirror. It isn't going to happen overnight!
5) Wear a headset with good tempo to motivate yourself. It's a No Disturb Signal too!
6) No friends allowed, Be Alone so that you can really concentrate. Put in the effort!
7) Train, train and train to show others you mean serious business. Be hardworking!

As a skinny guy, you have to go in the right direction where weight gain and muscle building is concerned. Don't follow the crowd, you can't do the same things that a overweight guy does to lose weight. It doesn't apply to you! It might be tough at the start but persevere and the results will pay off.

If you find this article helpful, you might want to read a more detailed article on Guide To Muscle Building & Weight Gain For Skinny Guys [http://www.squidoo.com/Guide_To_Muscle_Building_And_Weight_Gain_For_Skinny_Guys/]
The author Tevin Sekai is a body building amatuer who has found great comfort and resource in Vincent Delmonte No Nonsense Muscle Building [http://www.squidoo.com/Guide_To_Muscle_Building_And_Weight_Gain_For_Skinny_Guys/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tevin_Sekai

How a Very Low Calorie Diet Can Make You Gain Weight

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry filled with meal plans that provide very low calorie levels. This is the magic bullet because if you follow these meal plans closely you will absolutely lose weight. You're happy and the company can say they gave you what they promised. Physiologically we know that very low calorie diets work for short term weight loss but the question is what are we doing to ourselves in the long run?

The fact is; very low calorie diets (1,000 - 1200 calories or less) are contributing to weight gain more than they are helping people to find lasting weight loss. Many people feel they have to go on a very low calorie diet because this is the only way their weight will budge. Well...they're right and this is why.

When a person goes on a very low calorie diet they are putting themselves into starvation mode. If they lose more than two pounds per week they can end up losing muscle mass which will negatively affect their metabolism. This is a topic that is worth spending a minute on. Let's look at what happened to Sally when she lost more than 2 pounds per week. It may be all too familiar to you!

Sally's Story:
Sally's resting metabolic rate (how many calories she burns) was 2500 calories per day. This means she was consuming around 2500 calories each day to maintain her weight where it was. She decided to lose weight by going on a "diet". The diet program estimated her calories at 1000-1200. She lost 10 pounds in two weeks. She is of course very happy about this weight loss. This is success! What she doesn't know is that part of that rapid weight loss is not fat but muscle. Sally then gets bored on this diet after the first month, which is typical, and goes back to her old eating habits.

What happened to Sally's body during this diet?
She lost lean body mass along with body fat. Muscle is the most important factor in keeping your metabolic rate high. One pound of muscle burns 30-70 calories while one pound of fat burns around 0-10 calories. During her weight loss in the last month Sally lost approximately 6 pounds of muscle mass (lean body mass).
Sally's metabolic rate used to be 2500 calories for her weight to stay stable and now it has decreased to approximately 2100 calories. Now when she goes back to her old eating habits which were landing her on an average of 2500 calories in per day, she will gain her old weight back plus more.

What do you think will happen when she goes on the next low calorie diet? What will happen after 4-5 weight loss diets? You guessed it! She will continue to decrease her metabolic rate. This is why so many people feel that they don't eat that much but still gain weight. It's true! To add insult to injury, there are also studies that suggest when people go back to their original eating habits they gain fat tissue rapidly instead of lean body mass.

Don't despair dieters! There are steps you can take to get your metabolism fired up again but the first step is to stop low calorie diets. The next time you see a program that tries to estimate your calorie level by height, weight, and age; don't do it! This method is almost never accurate because they aren't taking into account your health history, genetics, age and all the other multitude of things that make up your individual metabolism. Remember, they want you to lose weight fast so you are satisfied with their product or service so they will give you the lowest calorie level.

The only way to truly know how many calories you burn is to get your metabolism tested with a breathing test. These tests are now made affordable and can be done for $50-$125. To find someone in your area that provides these tests go to http://www.healthetech.com. Otherwise do not trust estimates from scales or calculations. They almost always under estimate your calorie level which will do you more harm than good.
© Meri Raffetto, 2005. All Rights Reserved
Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. Learn about her online Balance Weight Loss Program and sign up for her free monthly newsletter to receive nutrition tips, inspirational stories, and healthy recipes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Meri_Raffetto

What Causes Weight Gain After Giving Birth?

The rapid weight gain after giving birth is more than just a transition to motherhood. There was a reason why rumors that if you have not shed off the excess weight you have gained a year after giving birth means you are not going to shed it off at all are spreading around. This is because a majority of women who couldn't lose the weight they have gained during pregnancy are stuck with that body shape for the rest of their lives-and it gets worse every year.

If you are anything like me, you will go to the root of the problem first to find a solution. Just like everything else, this rapid weight gain after giving birth cycle has a cause and we will try to unravel some of them.

Studies have been conducted to find out the relation of genes and gaining a lot of weight after delivery. Experts claim that those women who have obese moms have a higher chance of gaining difficult-to-shed-off weight when it is their turn to give birth.

Some gained 5 kilograms while others can gain as much as 18 kilograms. However, experts say that it may be because of genes, but not totally because of it. The major reason could probably lifestyle passed down to you. Offsprings tend to adapt the habits of their folks.

One good way to prevent this from happening is to acknowledge that your physique and your bodily needs are different from your mother or your grandmother. You should find a good regimen and a good eating habit that can prevent rapid gaining of weight.

Baby Blues
Another issue that has been creating a buzz in the medical world is what we call the "baby blues", post-partum depression by any other name. It is a condition wherein the mother enters a severe depression right after giving birth. Hormones mainly trigger this psychological thing from happening but the results are quite devastating.

Binging on comfort food as a way to alleviate feelings of sadness is just the tip of the iceberg. Often times, these women cannot fathom the idea of cuddling their newborn baby.

There are ways to normalize hormone production and prevent this from happening. Seeking the help of your physician does not mean that you are loony. It just means that you are willing to face the core problem to find a solution. And to prevent weight gain after giving birth, exercising helps. Not only does it burn fats and calories, this also helps normalize hormonal activities.

Click Here [http://fasthealthyweightlossguide.com] For Free Simple 7 Day Diet Plan To Lose Weight Healthy & Fast!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Holden

Why Do Obese People Gain Weight After Dieting?

It is no secret that weight loss is not a walk in the park. Losing weight can be very difficult, especially for people who are obese. But just because something is difficult, does not mean you shouldn't do it; it just means you have to exercise your will power and mental faculties just as much as your body.

One reason that weight loss can be so hard for the obese is that it is often temporary; in other words, weight gain after weight loss is very common. In fact, health and wellness researchers estimate that around 80% of obese people who lose weight gain some, all or more back.

What are hunger hormones?
According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, hunger hormones play a large role in the weight re-gain. When you lose weight, your body's hunger hormones are disrupted. These hormones can remain in a state of unbalance for a year or more; when this happens, your appetite goes topsy-turvy and you can become hungrier than normal. These hormones, which are found in the gut and fatty tissue, can compel people to eat more and can make weight loss and maintenance difficult.

What is will power?
However, there is another factor that plays an important role, one that could trump even your hormones: willpower. One of the main reasons people who are obese gain weight after weight loss is that they fall into their old eating habits. Stress, work, and emotional factors often cause people to slip back into old eating habits or stop exercising. This is often a gradual development, but sometimes it can happen rapidly. Initial weight loss brings a lot of confidence, but it also breeds complacency. Little by little, people think that they can start integrating their old eating habits into the new healthy ones they have chosen. They begin to slack off on their exercise and here you have the recipe for weight gain: giving up on the new, healthy habits that re-shaped the old, unhealthy ones.

There are many things that can shake a person's sense of willpower, especially with regard to weight loss. This is why it is a good idea to get some guidance from a therapist, such as a hypnotherapist, who works specifically with willpower training and thought-pattern re-shaping. If you have struggled with obesity, then this is the best way for you to protect yourself against weight gain after all the hard work you put in to lose it.
Have you got any tips to keep you motivated and fired up? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Share them below and don't forget to like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LifeCoachToLoseWeight where we share our tips to keep you motivated.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maureen_Hamilton

Weight Gain After Stopping Birth Control Is Very Common

Weight gain after stopping birth control is very common in many women. In fact, you can gain as much as 30-40 pounds in a very short period(couple of months). The reason for this, is that birth control screws with your body's cycle...so when you stop taking it...it takes a couple of months until your body gets back on track. And during this time you gain weight.

If you think that you have nothing to worry about because you exercise and diet...think again. Yes...diet and exercise can help you mitigate some of the weight gain...but if you continue doing what you've been doing, you'll still gain 15-25 pounds during this period.

The reason you get weight gain after stopping birth control is because most of your BC options have a diuretic in them. This is used to make sure that your body doesn't retain as much water and helps with your period. The second reason is that most of these BC options can act as an appetite suppressor in many women. So once you add these two together, you end up gaining a lot of weight in a very short time.

If you want to avoid weight gain after stopping birth control...you need to start a more effective weight loss program. Forget the one size fits all solutions...they barely work in normal situations...let alone in someone who just got off the pill/patch. If you want to lose weight/stay in your current shape...you'll need to start a custom weight loss plan. These custom weight loss plans are designed for your specific height/weight...so you end up getting much better results with less effort. Essentially each plan safely gets you the best possible results that your body is capable of.

Weight gain after stopping birth control is a very big problem...if you don't nip it in the bud...you will eventually end up like some of these 200-300 pound women.

Get help:
Click here to get your custom weight loss plan.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Mesnic

Grab These 4 Foods To Gain Weight Now

So what are some healthy foods to gain weight? Well there is plenty of different type of foods out there that you can eat on a daily basis in order to gain weight. However some are definitely a lot better than others and as long as you stick to these foods and some of these principles you will definitely see the scale moving up in the right direction. Now before we get into which foods are the best to gain weight, let's talk about some key principles that you should be following first in order to point that needle north when you step on the scale each morning.

The first thing you need to be eating is breakfast. I think this is extremely important if all you care about is gaining weight. If you're not eating breakfast then you are skipping out on much needed calories, especially after an overnight fast from sleeping. When you wake up, your body is naturally insulin sensitive and is craving calories to get it started.

The other important time to make sure you eat some food is right after you workout or train with weights. You have to eat after this time in order to supply your body with the necessary nutrients to kick start the anabolic process of rebuilding itself and recovering for your next workout. If you don't do this and skip this step, the you are hurting your chances of building quality muscle and robbing yourself of a great time to scarf down a lot of food without really worrying about it turning into body fat. The reason for this is because after a workout your body is in a primed state to soak up a ton of calories, specifically from carbohydrate and protein sources. You should take advantage of this window of opportunity to the best of your ability. Now let's get into some healthy foods to gain weight...

Healthy Food #1: Potatoes
Potatoes usually get a really bad rap because they are a white starch can potentially raise your blood sugar quite high. But when you combine potatoes with protein sources and employ other means to increase insulin sensitivity, you won't have to worry about this so much. Especially if you eat potatoes after or before you workout. This will ensure that your body uses them properly for fuel during your work out and for glycogen replenishment. Feel free to eat all of the different types of potatoes because it doesn't matter. They all are chock full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are often misunderstood and really underutilized when it comes to gaining weight.

Healthy Foods #2: Whole Eggs
The reason why I put whole eggs instead of egg whites is because of the caloric content and all the vitamins and minerals that the egg yolk contains. All the good stuff in the yolk, not in the egg white including the cholesterol content. However, you shouldn't be worried about this since study after study proves that your cholesterol levels are only around 20% of your diet and 80% genetic. Egg protein is a healthy source and has a biological value of 100%. This means that your body will utilize all of the protein in the egg as compared to beef or chicken which is much lower.

Healthy Food #3: Ground Beef
I love ground beef as a food to gain weight because of the high protein content and high fat content. Plus I heard a saying at one time in order to build muscle you need to eat muscle (aka protein) so yea. Beef is great though because it contains a high amount of calories in a small serving. It's all chock full of great growth factors and vitamins that help with growth and repair.

Healthy Food #4: Steel Cut Oats
I prefer steel cut oatmeal over rolled oats because it's a lot healthier and packs more nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber into a smaller serving size. For example if you look at the back of both labels, you'll notice that steel cut oats have 4 grams of fiber and 27 grams of carbohydrates in ¼ cup, while with rolled oats you would need a half of cup to get the same effect. It's a great carb source and low on the glycemic index. I personally will have oatmeal 1-2 times per day for its slow effect on blood sugar, its fiber content and just because I like the taste. I also throw in some omega 3 enriched butter and coconut milk to thicken it up, add some healthy fat and increase the calorie content. If you want, you can even add in a scoop of protein powder to really make it a complete meal. I do that time from time, especially before a workout so I'm fueled up and ready to go.

All in all, these 4 healthy foods to gain weight are perfect for anyone, especially if you're on a budget. They pack a lot of calories and are nutrient dense at the same time, which is the best of both worlds.

I hope you like this article. Check out my other site here that's all about how to lose love handles [http://howtolose-lovehandles.com]. Just click this link now, [http://www.howtolose-lovehandles.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jared_DiCarmine

The Ins and Outs On How To Gain Weight The Right Way

How To Gain Weight The Healthy Way
As part of a gain weight diet, you will have to learn which foods are nutritious, and which foods are high in calories. If you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. A good system will give you all the insight that you need to set your goal for a desired caloric intake, to gain weight fast. You can push up your caloric intake by adding a little powdered milk to your casserole, or throw in some avocados and olives in your sandwiches. Other recommended foods include: whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruits, lean red meat, as well as fish and poultry.

Skipping meals is going in the wrong direction. You want to gain weight, not fat, but gaining muscle should be your objective. Don't go hungry, eat on a consistent basis. Have several meals a day. Three main meals, and two snacks. Increase the size of the portions you take. Incorporate the foods that are higher in calories, but not junk calories. Learn to balance your meals. Make sure that each time you eat - your meal has a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can work out a diet plan with a diet expert. If this is too expensive, the internet can be of great help, as there are many diet guidelines and sample diets that you can use for weight gain
You must learn how to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy calorie intake. You can do this by making sure that you avoid foods that are high in trans-fats. These include pastry products, cakes, margarine, processed meat and packaged snack foods.

Remember that the more you exercise, the more calories you will have to replace, in order to gain weight. Also, on the job, keep track of how many calories you expend each day. Keep a journal. Getting with the right gain weight system, will make it all a heck of a lot easier for you. There is an effective way to Gain 40 lbs. of muscle in 24 weeks, I know it works, as I have used it.

I am often asked: "How Do I Gain Weight?". If you want to gain muscle, it is important that you work out at least three times a week. Using a proven system will teach you the correct exercises to gain muscles fast. Why should you use hit or miss exercises, when you can use an exercise plan that has been proven to be effective at packing on slabs of muscle.

Be careful about stuffing supplements into your body. My friends used to say to me: "Don't forget to have some food with your vitamins", as it should be the other way around. Supplement your healthy diet with a high grade Protein Powder and Creatine. You need Protein for muscle growth, and Creatine is a Cell Volumizer, so make sure you drink a lot of fresh water. Remember - supplements are just what they are called - supplemental. They are not a replacement for healthy food, a balanced diet and ample exercise. They work well only if you have your food, workout and rest all balanced. Don't aim for shortcuts if you are looking to gain weight the healthy way.

All you need is a little guidance, and you will be on your way to looking like a million bucks. You are going to love gaining 40 pounds of muscle in 24 weeks, so check out this website: [http://howtogainweight-info.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Terrio

How to Gain Weight and Muscle Naturally

Every human being is meant to live a balanced, healthy, and empowered life, and it depends on the lifestyle one follows, apart from other influencing factors. Being skinny, well-built or heavy does not always signify the poor lifestyle, poor diet, lack of workout etc. There are several factors behind this like high-metabolic rate, low-calorie in-take, physically stressed lifestyle, psychological influences on body fitness etc, and Gain Weight & muscle can only be achieved with an in-depth study of individual's life style and some of the factors deciding the body type and growth. In addition achieving this is very simple and easily doable, one has to keep patience and be consistent in efforts, and the desired results can be easily attained.

Let's discuss some of the important factors responsible for a healthy & toned body, lack of which causes imbalances, and require us to think "How to gain weight and muscle".

First of all, the body-type: some of us have genetic reasons for being thin and no matter what we do; it does not have a greater impact towards weight gain. In such cases, we have to be patient & aggressive with our approach, and religiously follow the lifestyle planned to gain weight and muscle.

The diet: Poor or in-adequate diet is the most significant reason for an imbalanced body. There are a lot of suggestions for your diet such as taking 5-6 meals a day by reducing the time-gap between two meals etc, but none seem to be very effective in Gain Weight and muscle, if you ask from experienced researchers or those who have already tried them.

The lifestyle: It also has a greater impact on the body we possess, and must be altered in-order to gain weight and muscle. The way we spend our day directly implies to our health, and hence the body weight and muscles. In order to gain weight and muscle, we have to follow a healthy lifestyle adding activities that can accelerate the progress and hence the outcome.

Physical Health: Physical fitness has a lot to do to gain weight and muscle. For example, if your digestive system is not properly working, your body will not be able to extract the right amount of nutrients, protein, calorie etc even if you are on healthy diets. So, maintaining the physical fitness is critical to gain weight and muscle.

Mental Health: As we all know, our body is controlled by our mind. So, everything that happens to our body has a direct impact of our mental health. And to gain weight and muscle as well, our mind has to be stress-free & relaxed.

We have discussed the factors behind our physical imbalances and to gain weight and muscle, we have to closely watch and work against these. Although, there is lot discussed about how to gain weight and muscle, I am suggesting a few as per my experience & research and feel confident, if followed with patience and regularly, it should have a visible result.

1. Understand the amount of calorie your body needs and increase the calorie supply to your body. If you are able to consume more calories than you are burning, you will certainly gain weight. Include dairy products, avocados, olives peanut butter etc but do not over eat as it will have harmful effects of high blood pressure.

2. There is a myth that says fatty foods help in weight gain.
a. Fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, dates, figs, raisins, rice honey can help in weight gain more than fatty foods.
b. Take germinated wheat mixed with full-cream hot milk.
c. Include fresh fruits, vegetables and pulses in your every meal of the day.
d. Take herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Aamalki Rasayan etc regularly.
e. Take banana blended in full-cream daily with morning breakfast.
f. Take milk boiled with almonds and dates with your dinner daily..

3. Follow a balanced lifestyle and listen to the nature in planning your day. There is a common saying, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes men healthy, wealthy, and wise". Irrespective of our work-demands and lifestyle requirements, one must follow this to lead a healthy life. So, wake-up before sunrise and go to the bed around 9pm to have a healthy body.

4. Exercise regularly. Include 20-30 minutes of normal & cardio exercises in your routine. To gain weight and muscle, lifting exercises would also help. Use anything; do lifting for 5-10 minutes regularly but don't lift heavy, as it will burnout the calories.

5. Include 10-15 minutes of YOGA into your daily routine, as it will take care of both physical and mental health.
a. Yogasans like Anulom & Vilom Prayanam will help you reduce your stress level.
b. Practice Concentration & Meditation at least 3 times a week to remain calm and stress-free.
c. Take help of a Yoga instructor if you are not familiar with the asanas.
Overall, to gain weight and muscle, you do not need to be mad about this and keep thinking of this all the time. Instead, plan your diets appropriately, follow the lifestyle as the Mother Nature teaches us to live, include some physical & weight-lifting exercises and practice a few Yoga Asanas regularly. And, I am sure you will achieve satisfying results. Happy living!

A Software Project Manager turned entrepreneur, Prashant has more than 14 years of experience working on various application softwares with various fortune 100 companies.

He has traveled the globe for business as well as for pleasure and have lived & researched many cultures. As a professional, he always has inclination towards professional writing and spent extensive time & research in writing professional documentation, technological articles and topics related to health, nutrition & Green Living.

Prashant is currently engaged in managing a family resort in one of finest destination in India and enjoying the great Himalayan ranges all around.

He is passionate about the natural living and to spread his thoughts across the societies, he is writing a book on "Green Living". He loves to write & share articles on several subjects.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Prashant_KR

Ways To Gain Weight Naturally And Safely

There are many people who are looking for ways to gain weight. But gaining weight and keeping it on can be very difficult for some people. However, there are some things you can do to gain weight. One of the basic ideas you need to understand is that in order for you to gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake and engage in physical activity to build muscle. This means that you need to take in more calories by eating more calorie rich foods. You should eat nourishing foods that will help you add muscle and body mass. One of the best ways to build muscle is to engage in some form of strength or resistance training.

1. Ways To Gain Weight: Set some realistic weight gain targets
Most people start a weight gain program without taking the time to think about how they are going to do it and what they expect to achieve from their program over a given period. Set yourself targets that are realistic and achievable and reward yourself every time you reach your target. Doing this is an excellent way to get started on your weight gain program.

2. Ways To Gain Weight: Choose the healthy option
Design your weight gain program around a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish and a variety of other healthy foods. Don't be tempted to stuff yourself with fast food diets because they may bring other problems such as higher blood cholesterol and heart disease. Eat regularly (i.e. eat three meals and three healthy snacks every day.) rather than just one big meal and some snacks throughout the day.

It's a good idea to set up a schedule for your meal times. Take lots of fruit juices, semi-skimmed milk and sports drinks but avoid non-caloric beverages such as diet soda, coffee or tea. Choose and eat foods that have lots of calories such as potatoes, corn and peas. Eat a wide variety of foods such as starchy food, vegetables, fruit and meat.

3. Ways To Gain Weight: Exercise to stay healthy
Although exercise can burn calories and make you lose weight, some light exercise such as walking can help your stay in shape and keep your bones strong and muscles toned. If you're a very active person, take some time to relax each day. Keep eating more food to fuel your light exercise but eat enough so that you can still gain weight. Regular exercise such as strength training will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted fat.
4. Ways To Gain Weight: Aim to gain weight slowly.

With gaining weight, slow is better than fast. So instead of eating junk foods and high-fat cookies and candies, expand your meals to include high calorie foods, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains and regular strength training exercises. Your diet should include foods that are higher in calories, minerals, and vitamins, as opposed to foods higher in fat, salt and sugar. There are many products that are being promoted for gaining weight. Watch out for 'quick fixes' because you'll end up being disappointed.

Click Here [http://www.abouthealthtips.com/weightgain/] to find out more about Weight Gain and what you need to eat and do to gain weight the natural way without supplements or drugs: [http://www.abouthealthtips.com/weightgain/]. Visit the main site to subscribe to Health Tips [http://www.abouthealthtips.com/]. Copyright © 2007 Katie Johnson.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katie_Johnson

How to Gain Weight and Muscle in 4 Weeks

There are only two things to do in order to successfully answer the question of how to gain weight and muscle. Apply these two things to a 4 week program and you are going to come out stronger, tougher, and bigger.

1. Lifting: The backbone of a how to gain weight and muscle program is weight lifting. And performing the following exercises are the key to getting bigger. These exercises are known to put on mass quickly. They not only work the major mass muscles, but performing these exercises literally put your body in a growth zone that makes it easy and quick to gain weight and muscle. Any hardcore gym will verify that the fastest growth that members have experienced were through the practice of the following weight lifting exercises:

a. Squats
b. Deadlifts
c. Dips
These are key on how to gain weight and muscle and thus should be the main animals in your stable of weight training exercise. For instance you could perform a Monday, Wednesday, Friday workout schedule which would include one of these big dog exercises above for each workout day (for instance Squats on Monday, Dips on Wednesday, and Deads on Friday). You can then add other exercises into the mix, like bicep curls, chest exercises, etc. But these three should be your main focus as they are the absolute key on how to gain weight and muscle.

2. Eat. During your 4 week how to gain weight and muscle program, you must eat like you've never eaten before. Visualize each meal contributing to your gain weight and muscle goals, and if you miss one then you are just pushing yourself backwards and not forwards.

You should consume 3 strong meals a day and then 3 minor meals in between. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner strong meals should all consist of at least 30-50 grams of protein from primarily a meat source. Just as the 3 above exercises are your backbones, these 3 meat meals are your eating backbones. In addition to your meat, you should eat big portions of carbohydrates and some fat in the same meals. Now in between your 3 strong meals you need to consume 3 minor meals, such as a protein shake or a couple of protein bars, or essentially some snack which is going to contain another minimum of 30-50 grams of protein, but you are allowed to have this in protein shake form or other easy, convenient protein forms. And the carbohydrate amount need not be as heavy. This is the ideal eating plan for how to gain weight and muscle.

With focus, dedication, desire and a solid plan you can indeed learn how to gain weight and muscle in 4 weeks. From that point you can gauge your progress, and if you want to continue to gain weight and muscle and get even bigger, then you can take what you learned and set up another 4 week mass building program.

For a detailed program on how to gain weight and muscle , please see http://www.squidoo.com/Gain-Muscle-Mass/ Here you will get info on the exact method which will guarantee weight gain and muscle results in weeks. Check out http://www.squidoo.com/Gain-Muscle-Mass/ and thanks for reading.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle

Protein-Rich Foods That You Can Eat For Weight Gain

If you are like many of us, you probably look at slim people and are jealous because you can't be that slim.

But some people are actually too thin, and that can lead to as many health complications as being overweight, including body weakness and tiring easily.

Being underweight can be something that is just natural to a person or it can be caused by an underlying medical condition. Many people who have undergone chemotherapy and other medical treatments report losing significant amounts of weight, and they need to go on special diets in order to bring their weight back up. A typical high-calorie, high-protein diet for people looking to gain weight offers between 2,500 and 3,000 calories daily.

Just like weight loss, gaining weight does not happen overnight (although it seems that way for people who are trying to lose weight.) Just like when you diet to lose weight, when trying to gain weight, you need to eat several small meals throughout the day, preferably ones that are high in protein, which is not only essential for building strong muscles but also provides us with energy. Actually, these meals should be larger than they would be if you were trying to lose weight. So basically, you need to eat a lot of food but you also need to eat the right foods.

There are many ways that you can get protein in your diet. If you are on a high-protein diet for weight gain, you can eat plenty of protein-rich foods as well as adding protein supplements to your diet. In this article, you will learn how to choose the foods that will provide you with loads of essential protein.

Forget the Fatty Foods
Just because you need high-calorie foods that are also high in protein, this doesn't mean that you should go out and start eating all of the fattening foods you want. Yes, they will help you to gain weight, but they will not provide you with the other nutrients that your body needs in order to remain healthy and strong. Eat like you are trying to lose weight, and avoid burgers, french fries, ice cream and other fatty treats.

Foods You Should Be Eating for Weight Gain
There are loads of great-tasting foods that can help you to gain weight without adding additional fat. And you can create a lot of protein-packed food combinations that will deliver twice the protein punch!

Breads - Eating bread is a great way to help put weight on, but in order to make sure that you are getting plenty of protein, eat breads that are whole wheat or whole grain. They taste great and are a lot better for you. And you are not just limited to plain old sliced bread. You can get all kinds of rolls, baguettes and other breads in whole grain, as well as soda crackers. If you are trying to get your kids to eat whole grain bread with little or no success, try one of the new whole grain breads that look and taste just like white bread.

Vegetables - Contrary to popular belief, there are all kinds of vegetables that you can eat that are very protein-rich. Soy beans are loaded with protein, and because they contain all 22 essential and non-essential amino acids, they are what is known as a complete protein. Potatoes are also rich in protein, as are tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.

Nuts - Loaded with protein, nuts are also fattening and a great snack to eat when you are trying to gain weight. You are not limited to choices when it comes to nuts, because most, including almonds, peanuts and cashews, are protein-packed. If you are looking for a healthy option, buy unsalted nuts. They actually taste better, because you are truly tasting the nuts and not the salt. And don't forget the peanut butter in your next grocery order.

Meat, Fish and Poultry - All three of these foods are terrific sources of protein. A six-ounce serving will give you 38 grams of protein, or more than half of the recommended amount for a high-protein diet. Just make sure that you purchase lean cuts of meat, because even though you want to gain weight, you don't need the fat.

You can get 34 grams of protein from just one six-ounce serving of salmon, and it also has important omega-3 fatty acids. With many fish meals, you get loads of protein without all of the fat. Or the next time that you pick up a can of tuna for your cat, get some for yourself too. One can of tuna has more than 40 grams of protein.

White meat poultry is a delicious way to get your protein and is very versatile. Just think about all of the things that you can make with chicken or turkey, including delicious sandwiches (using whole grain bread will add even more protein), or enjoy a turkey dinner with your family this weekend.
Beans - Just about every type of bean are loaded with protein and are pretty tasty too. Soya beans are great protein sources for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. String beans can add protein to any meal as a side dish, and everyone loves a great big bowl of homemade baked beans. Add some wieners and you have even more protein in just one small meal.

Dairy Food - Here is an excellent source of protein. Many protein supplements are dairy based (such as whey and casein), and you can enjoy a number or dairy products to get the protein that you need for weight gain. Enjoy a big glass of milk (skimmed if you want to avoid the added fat), a chunk of cheddar cheese or a serving of yogurt for loads of protein and much more.

Eggs - If you are looking for a source of protein that is incredibly versatile, eggs are the food for you. There are so many ways they can be eaten, from poached to boiled to scrambled (avoid fried eggs if you want to avoid fat). Eggs are also used in hundreds, maybe even thousands of different recipes, so you will never be limited for delicious food choices.

About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at http://www.protica.com
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Duffy