Discover the #1 Way to Gain Muscle Weight

Here are some of the top ways to gain weight and do it quickly. Use
these tips on how to gain weight fast and you'll soon be adding pounds
of muscle to your skinny frame. You'll learn how to build muscle quickly
and effectively.

While there are many variations on ways to gain weight, there are
a few basic rules to follow for everyone. Once you use these tips on
how to gain weight fast, you can begin testing and experimenting with
different exercises, training splits, and training days. But the rules
on how to build muscle must be followed, no matter what routine you use.

The top ways to gain weight for adding pounds of muscle fast to your skinny guy frame
is to squat. For those of you who hate to squat or shy away from that
kind of hard work, either get over it, or accept being skinny. Now, if
you truly have a real reason for not squatting, then apply everything
on this page to the deadlift instead.

If you are at all serious about gaining weight you will begin squatting as
is your life depended on it. Of all the ways to gain weight, this is the
most crucial one.

Squats are the absolute king of weight gain exercises, bar none.

No other ways to gain weight come close with the possible exception of the

If you hate to squat you can do one of two things - you can
forget about gaining lots of muscle, or you can learn to love
the results you get from squatting so that you learn to love the
squat itself.

Having said that, there are people that have trouble squatting
for legitimate reasons. In addition, some body types are not
conducive to squatting well. For example, if you are long
and lean, squats can be difficult and you may end up working
your lower back a lot more than your legs.

If that's the case, you'll probably be better off substituting
the deadlift for the squat. In fact, better yet would be to
alternate between the two. Do a six week 20 rep squat program,
followed by a normal training routine for eight to ten weeks
and then go to a six week 20 rep deadlift routine.

Now, back to the brutal effectiveness of this routine.

The best way to make squats work for you and work fast is to
do them in 20 rep breathing style. What does this mean? In
short, it means be prepared to do the hardest work you've ever
done in your lifting career. Progress comes with a price and
that price is hard work on the squat.

You need to use all the weight you can handle and then add some
more. Since the squat is the toughest weight lifting exercise
you can do physically, it's also the toughest mentally.

Your mind gives in on the squat well before your body does.
If you want to gain lots of muscle, you need to put an end to
that. Everything you have has to go into your squatting program.

Hard work on the squat is the single most important thing you
can do to ensure your bodybuilding success. Forget about the
latest greatest high tech routine or the newest supplement fad.
The key component to any program you do is hard work. Hard
work will take you much further than your choice of exercises,
sets or reps. And high rep, heavy squats or deadlifts are the key ways
to gain weight.
The key to the success of rapid weight gain by squatting is the
amount of work you put into it. After your warm ups, load the
bar to a weight you normally do 10 reps with. Now, do 20 reps.
No, I'm not kidding. Like I said before, the squat is the most
mental exercise there is. I've never seen anyone, when properly
prepared mentally, fail to get 20 reps with their 10 rep weight.

Don't get me wrong, it's not easy and you may be taking 10 deep
breaths and a half a minute between each rep toward the end, but
you will do it, if you are mentally strong.

By rep 10, your mind will be ready to rack the weight like you've
always done. But who controls your mind? You do. So tell it not
this time, take 3 deep breaths and get that 11th rep. Now you're
in a world of your own. Nothing matters but the next rep. Your
success or failure at this point is solely determined by the
power of your mind. If your mind gives up, your body will pack
it in. You're done.

The last few reps will have every part of you screaming to call
it quits. Block it out! Whatever it takes to get the next
rep - 10 deep breaths, a promise to yourself, a make believe
deal that if you complete number 20, you get a date with Carmen
Garcia. I use counting tricks to help me along. I'll count 1
through 10 on the first 10 reps, then 1 through 5 on the next 5,
then backwards from 5 to 1 on the next 5. Whatever helps you
complete all 20 reps.

When you're finished, stagger over to a bench. If you can walk,
you didn't work hard enough. Flop over the bench and do a set of
light pullovers, 20 reps, with no more than 25 pounds. Get a
good stretch.

Do this twice a week for 6 weeks. Each time add 5 pounds to
the bar from your previous workout. That's 12 workouts and a
60 pound increase in your squat weight. You can do this. And
you will grow. Fast. Remind yourself each time you workout,
you only have X more workouts to go. Think about it, it's just
12 sets over 6 weeks. You can do that, right? Of course you
can, if you really are looking for top ways to gain weight and you
want to gain weight as badly as you say you do.

If you don't get your squat up to over 300 pounds on this
program eventually, you aren't going to get the muscle gains
that you want.

The rest of the routine looks as follows:
2 - Chin Ups 2 x 8 - 12
3 - Dips 2 x 8 - 12
4 - Military Press 2 x 8 - 12
I know it doesn't look like much but if you really put in the work
on the squat, you won't be able to handle any more work.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of Buile Lean [] where you can grab a free copy of his special report, Fast Mass! His articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine. He has written two books and is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. He publishes a free fitness newsletter available at his site that includes lots of weight training tips, fat loss, nutrition and exercise program information to help you build your best body as quickly as possible.

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